"Localization is the way to repair our fractured world,
our ecosystems and ourselves"

Local Futures is an international non-profit organization dedicated to renewing ecological, social and spiritual wellbeing by strengthening communities and local economies worldwide. It raises awareness about the root causes of our multiple crises, while promoting policy change and grassroots strategies for “the economics of happiness”, or localisation.
Local Futures are convenors of World Localization Day, creators of a Localisation Action Guide and founders of the International Alliance for Localisation.
Local Futures

Writing & Films
Helena is the author of several books, including the international best-seller ‘Ancient Futures’, a moving portrait of tradition and change in Ladakh, or “Little Tibet,”.
"Everyone who cares about the future of this planet and their children's future should read this book." - The Guardian
Her most recent book ‘Local is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness’ connects the dots between our social, economic, ecological and spiritual crises revealing how a systemic shift from global to local can address these seemingly disparate problems simultaneously.
Helena is also the producer of the award-winning film ‘The Economics of Happiness’.
“Ancient Futures was a critical early warning about the social, spiritual and ecological costs of exporting ‘Western’ lifestyles to every corner of the globe.” - Naomi Klein
“This film connects the dots between climate chaos, economic meltdown, and our own personal suffering." - Joanna Macy
Watch conversations, presentations, plus interviews by Helena with some of the world’s most influential thought leaders, philosophers and activists.